

English text:

Together with the generous support of leading Australian artists we have united to produce the Artists4Ukriane fundraising exhibition at The See Street Gallery, Meadowbank and online.

The exhibition included an outstanding selection of work available for purchase from distinguished artists, who have all generously donated their work for this unique event.

Together we have raised 47.150 australian dollars. 100% of funds raised from the exhibition has been donated to The Voices of Children Foundation ( that supply psychologicaland physical needs to help the children of Ukraine affected by war.

Ukranian text/ Укранська мова: Разом із щедрою підтримкою провідних австралійських художників ми об’єдналися, щоб створити виставку для збору коштів Artists4Ukriane у The See Street Gallery, Meadowbank та онлайн.

Виставка включала в себе чудовий вибір робіт від видатних художників, які щедро пожертвували свої роботи для цієї унікальної події.

Разом ми зібрали 47 150 австралійських доларів. 100% коштів, зібраних від виставки, було передано Фонду «Голоси дітей» (, який забезпечує психологічні та фізичні потреби для допомоги дітям України, які постраждали від війни. .

Message from Voices of Children foundantion.

Artists in Australia organized a charity exhibition for support children of Ukraine. It's incredible, they raised $47,150! And art saves the world. Thanks for this amazing support and send hugs.

Художники Австралії влаштували благодійну виставку у підтримку дітей України. Це неймовірно, вони зібрали 47 150 доларів! Мистецтво рятує світ. Дякуємо за підтримку та обіймаємо.

See it on Instagram

Artists participated:

  • Adam Rish
  • Allan Giddy
  • Andrew Sullivan
  • Anita Lever
  • Anthony Buselli
  • Anthony Cahill
  • Antony MacDonald
  • Basil Hall
  • Ben White
  • Bernard Ollis
  • Bill Leak
  • Carol Ruff
  • Chelsea Leahmann
  • Chris Antico
  • Christene Cassali
  • David Eastwood
  • David Fraser
  • David Van Nunen
  • Deborah Beck
  • Deborah Marks
  • Denys Black
  • Dirk Kruithof
  • Dmitry Kuznichenko
  • Eric Lobbecke
  • Euan MacLeod
  • Frank Littler
  • Garry Shead
  • Genevieve Jobes
  • George Gittoes
  • Grace Burzese
  • Greg Weight
  • Guy Brown
  • Helen Sturgess
  • Hugh Ramage
  • Ian Grant
  • Ian Howard
  • Iryna Babenko
  • Jackie Balassa
  • Jan King
  • Jeanette Siebols
  • Jeff Rigby
  • Jim Croke
  • Joanna Gambotto
  • John Edwards
  • John Maughan
  • Joy Paton
  • Judy Marsh
  • Julia Davis & Lisa Jones
  • Julie Harris
  • Kate Briscoe
  • Kate Dorough
  • Kathryne Grigor
  • Kerry-Anne McMeeking
  • Liza Yablonskaya-Mykhailus
  • Lolly Rados
  • Lorna Grear
  • Louise Beck
  • Lucienne Fontannaz
  • Lucy Culliton
  • Luke Sciberras
  • Lynne Eastaway
  • Mandy Evans
  • Margaret Ackland
  • Marina Finlay
  • Maryanne Wick
  • Melanie Waugh
  • Michael Herron
  • Mykola Kovalenko
  • Natalia Savranska
  • Nataliia Matskiv
  • Noel Thurgate
  • Paris Crouch
  • Paul Miller
  • Peter Burgess
  • Peter Kingston
  • Peter O'Doherty
  • Phillip Cox
  • Phillipa Butters
  • Pierre Cavalan
  • Reg Mombassa
  • Rew Hanks
  • Riste Andrievski
  • Rox De Luca
  • RSJ Barker
  • Sally Stokes
  • Sam Valenz
  • Seraphina Martin
  • Sergiy Maidukov
  • Shane Forrest
  • Solomia Kovalchuk
  • Stacha Clemens
  • Steve Smith
  • Susan Andrews
  • Susan O'Doherty
  • Tanya Chaitow
  • Tim Allen
  • Tom Loveday
  • Tony Costa
  • Tony Deigan
  • Tony Mortimer
  • Valeriia Sedlak
  • Vicki White
  • Wendy Sharpe
  • Yuhana Nashmi

Thank you

Special thanks to Andrew Treloar, Guy Brown, Michael Sprott, Helen Grant, Tony McDonald, Sheridan Linnell, Jane Malcolm, Alex CIemens, Maria Stoljar and @talking_with_painters podcast team, Tetiana Koldunenko, Dawn, Jan, Anne, Betty, and June from Cronulla Crafters Crotchet and Knitting Group.

Big thank you to partners of the exhibition


Philter Brewing

Thank you to Philter Brewing for helping support our openning event


In the name of Scott Coulson

Printing and framing of Ukrainian artists’ works was sponsored in the name of Scott Coulson.


Lipari Pizza Bar

Thank you to Lipari Pizza Bar Hunters Hill for helping support our openning event

Tulloch Wines

Tulloch Wines

Thank you to Tulloch Wines for helping support our openning event



Thank you to TAFE NSW for the support


Cool Guys Coolrooms

Thank you to Cool Guys Coolrooms for helping support our openning event

Photo Gallery

Photos from the past exhibition. Click on image to read image description

Image of two free standing walls featuring artworks from the exhibition.

Interior image of the see Street gallery

Image of two free standing walls featuring artworks from the exhibition.

Artist Lucy Culliton stands beside her artwork Poppy Vest. The crotchet image of the vest is pink and with red and burgundy. Lucy stands next to the art work wearing the vest smiling in studio. Behind her is a large canvas with pink background and floral images.

Artist Lucy Culliton in studio with her artwork Poppy Vest

Artist Lucy Culliton stands beside her artwork Poppy Vest. The crotchet image of the vest is pink and with red and burgundy. Lucy stands next to the art work wearing the vest smiling in studio. Behind her is a large canvas with pink background and floral images.

The Artists4Ukraine team stand side by side in front of art work in See St gallery. Left to Right Rebecca McCormack, Andrew Treloar, Jelena Bojicic, Nick Vickers, Kerry Anne McMeeking, and Stacha Clemens.

Arist4Ukraine team at the exhibition launch

The Artists4Ukraine team stand side by side in front of art work in See St gallery. Left to Right Rebecca McCormack, Andrew Treloar, Jelena Bojicic, Nick Vickers, Kerry Anne McMeeking, and Stacha Clemens.

: Two females stand side by side and smile. Guest speaker Jane Malcolm left, stands bedside a lucky door prize winner and presents a prize pack with two bottles of wine.

Guest speaker Jane Malcolm with lucky door prize winner at the curators talk

: Two females stand side by side and smile. Guest speaker Jane Malcolm left, stands bedside a lucky door prize winner and presents a prize pack with two bottles of wine.

Several handmade paper yellow sunflowers in a row. Some don’t have petals.

Close up view of the Sunflower Installation by Kerry Anne McMeeking.

Several handmade paper yellow sunflowers in a row. Some don’t have petals.

two visitors stand viewing the art work at the See Street gallery in front of the sunflower installation. In the background three paintings hang on the wall.

Visitors engaging with artwork at the See Street gallery.

Two visitors stand viewing the art work at the See Street gallery in front of the sunflower installation. In the background three paintings hang on the wall.

Rebecca stands in front of seated audience members. She is wearing a teal top with one hand on her hip. Art work from the exhibition hangs on the wall beside her.

Rebecca McCormack speaking to visitors at the curators talk.

Rebecca stands in front of seated audience members. She is wearing a teal top with one hand on her hip. Art work from the exhibition hangs on the wall beside her.


Artist and Artist4Ukraine co-curator Kerry Anne McMeeking at the exhibition.

She is smiling and wearing a black top with a floral print, and glasses. She has a hand crocheted sunflower pinned to her top. Several people stand in the background around her.

Curator Nick Vickers speaking at artists4Ukraine curators talk

Nick Vickers stands at the podium leading the curators talk. He wears a brown jacket and cap. Several art works hang on a wall behind him.

Guest speaker Jane Malcolm speaking to audience members at the curators talk.

Jane Malcolm stands at the speaker’s podium. She is looking down. Jane is wearing a white cardigan and green dress with a printed pattern.

Interior of the See Street Gallery. Rows of people sit looking at artist George Gittoes on a screen talking about his experience in Ukraine.

Curators Talk with George Gittoes

Interior of the See Street Gallery. Rows of people sit looking at artist George Gittoes on a screen talking about his experience in Ukraine.n

 Artist and curator Nick Vickers and head of teaching Tony McDonald welcome guests at the opening of the Artists4Ukraine exhibition. Visitors are standing in the gallery space applauding.

Exhibition launch

Artist and curator Nick Vickers and head of teaching Tony McDonald welcome guests at the opening of the Artists4Ukraine exhibition. Visitors are standing in the gallery space applauding.

Artist4Ukraine team member Andrew Treloar stands on a stool facing the wall in the See Street Gallery. He is hanging artwork on a wall for the exhibition. He is wearing a blue and white striped shirt. Four art works are hang beside him on the wall.

See Street Gallery Installation

Artist4Ukraine team member Andrew Treloar stands on a stool facing the wall in the See Street Gallery. He is hanging artwork on a wall for the exhibition. He is wearing a blue and white striped shirt. Four art works are hang beside him on the wall.

Two visitors view featured prints donated by Ukrainian artists displayed on gallery wall.

Featured prints by Ukrainian artists

Two visitors view featured prints donated by Ukrainian artists displayed on gallery wall.

An image of artwork hanging on a gallery wall. The art work titled The Art of War by RSJ Baker

Exhibition images The Art of War by RSJ Baker

An image of artwork hanging on a gallery wall. The art work titled The Art of War by RSJ Baker

A wall of various artworks from the exhibition. A stack of prints by artist Ian Howard reads PUT IN OUT in bold letters sit on a plinth for visitors to take.

Exhibition images artworks by Ian Howard

A wall of various artworks from the exhibition. A stack of prints by artist Ian Howard reads PUT IN OUT in bold letters sit on a plinth for visitors to take.

Exhibition images artworks by Dmitry Kuznichenko

Exhibition images artworks by Dmitry Kuznichenko

Two visitors view art works displayed on the gallery wall.

Art works displayed on the gallery wall: print by Reg Mombassa, photos by Helen Sturgess, set of prits by Joanna Gambotto

Exhibition images

Art works displayed on the gallery wall. Artists: Reg Mombassa, Helen Sturgess, Joanna Gambotto

Nick Vickers and head of teaching Tony McDonald welcome guests at the opening of the Artists4Ukraine exhibition. Twenty two visitors are captured on photo standing in the gallery space.

Exhibition launch

Nick Vickers and head of teaching Tony McDonald welcome guests at the opening of the Artists4Ukraine exhibition. Twenty two visitors are captured on photo standing in the gallery space.

two visitors stand side by side smiling. One is wearing a cap and holds a bottle of win with a hand crocheted sunflower tied to it.

Lucky door prize winners

Two visitors stand side by side smiling. One is wearing a cap and holds a bottle of win with a hand crocheted sunflower tied to it.

Nick Vickers and head of teaching Tony McDonald welcome guests at the opening of the Artists4Ukraine exhibition. Visitors are standing in the gallery space applauding. David Eastwood artwork is displayed on the wall behind Nick Vickers.

Exhibition launch

Nick Vickers and head of teaching Tony McDonald welcome guests at the opening of the Artists4Ukraine exhibition. Visitors are standing in the gallery space applauding. David Eastwood artwork is displayed on the wall behind Nick Vickers.

Artists4Ukraine co-curator Rebecca McCormack stands with first prize lucky door winner. They are both smiling. Rebecca is wearing a teal top and a hand crocheted sunflower and glasses.

VIP Prize winner

Artists4Ukraine co-curator Rebecca McCormack stands with first prize lucky door winner. They are both smiling. Rebecca is wearing a teal top and a hand crocheted sunflower and glasses.

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