

English text: We’re a team of curators on a mission, dedicated to making a positive impact.

Like many people around the world, we have been deeply devastated and distressed by the ongoing events associated with the Russian - Ukrainian war. Together with the generous support of leading Australian artists we have united to produce the Artists4Ukriane fundraising exhibition on site and online.

100% of funds raised from the exhibition is donated to The Voices of Children Foundation (

Our vision is to raise funds and awareness to help support the creative community within Ukraine, and the humanitarian work of The Voices of Children Foundation. An organisation that has been helping children affected by war since 2015. The Voices of Children Foundation is continuing to assist with the evacuation of families with children, finding safe housing for them, providing them with food, clothing and much needed psychological support.

Join us as we lend our support to the creative community within Ukraine, and help us raise funds for The Voices of Children Foundation .

Ukranian text/ Укранська мова: Ми – команда кураторів, які мріють зробити позитивний вплив.

Як і багато людей у ​​всьому світі, ми були глибоко спустошені та стурбовані подіями, пов’язаними з російсько-українською війною. Разом із щедрою підтримкою провідних австралійських художників ми об’єдналися, щоб створити виставку для збору коштів Artists4Ukriane у галереi та онлайн.

Наше бачення полягає в тому, щоб зібрати кошти та підтримати обізнаність для підтримки творчої спільноти в Україні та гуманітарної роботи Фонду «Голоси дітей». Організація, яка з 2015 року допомагає дітям, які постраждали від війни. Фонд «Голоси дітей» продовжує надавати допомогу в евакуації сімей з дітьми, знаходити для них безпечне житло, забезпечувати їх їжею, одягом та такою необхідною психологічною підтримкою. Приєднуйтесь до нас, підтримуйте творчу спільноту Україні та допоможіть нам зібрати кошти для фонду «Голоси дітей»


Thanks to you these numbers are still rising

Artists Participated

Artworks Donated

Total Raised Value in AUS Dollars

Media mentions

Exhibition team

Команда Виставки

We’re a team of curators on a mission, dedicated to making a positive impact.


Nick Vickers

Curator, BA Visual Art, Dip. Ed, M.Art Admin

Nick Vickers has been involved in the Australian art industry for over 30 years when he established his first gallery through UNSW Art & Design in 1984. Throughout Nick’s career he has championed the works of emerging artists by establishing a number of galleries through universities and art colleges. He has presented, curated and hosted national and international artists and he has lectured in tertiary, intermediary and secondary institutions.
Nick has contributed to the curatorial expanse of the University of Sydney Art Collection where, through his expertise as Curator of the University Union art collection, he added works of some considerable cultural significance. He established the Sir Hermann Black Gallery & Sculpture Terrace through which he hosted and curated ten years of highly rated art exhibitions and prizes that included The Blake Prize and The Freedman Foundation annual exhibitions.
On an international level, Nick has served as President of the Slovenian/Australian Institute that has hosted a program of international art exchanges and touring exhibitions.
Currently, Nick works as an independent art curator. In 2022 he served as a panel member for Sculpture at The Sawmillers and is working on Artists 4 Ukraine, a fundraising and awareness raising exhibition.


Rebecca McCormack

Curator, Public Relations

Rebecca is a Sydney based curator and arts professional. Her focus lies in access and inclusion in museums, galleries and festivals and seeking opportunities to elevate authentic representation. Rebecca is interested in curatorial projects that cultivate new ideas.

It’s heartbreaking seeing the devastation in Ukraine.
I wanted to do something meaningful to help.


Stacha Clemens

Curator, Web designer

Stacha is a Sydney based artist, illustrator and a web developer. She also runs an accessible art workshop in Disability Services Australia, Cronulla.
Stacha left Ukraine in 2014 and now calls Sydney home.

I am honoured to be a part of the Artists4Ukraine exhibition team. I am moved to tears seining all the support that Ukrainian people get from Australians. Thank you all for making this exhibition possible.

Kerry Anne

KerryAnne McMeeking

Curator, Art director

A Wollongong based Artist/Printmaker, Business-woman, Art Therapist, and passionate Astrologer/Philosopher.
KerryAnne has been a keen businessperson since her early thirty’s in the Hospitality and Beauty Therapy industry. She has intensively studied Art, Philosophy and Astrology for the past 50 years being guided towards the interlinking and mystical properties contained within these subjects.
I am an enthusiastic believer in the human spirit, and our soulful purpose, connections, reliance, and dependence on each other. My belief is that we are on this earth by the grace of a higher intelligence and to support all others towards this purposeful cosmic journey.
Art in all forms becomes an expression of an inner yearning. It is for me a way to express happiness, anger, love, and hate. A non-violent way to depict our inner and outer selves.
Art can and does record both cryptic and politically based messages through emotive images around historical events, and of memories many of us are unable to express in words. These images are also what have contributed to my desire to be involved in this exhibition of Artists4Ukraine


Jelena Bojicic

Curator, Collection managment

Jelena is museum professional with focus and passion for registration and collection care.
“Devastation of war is something that can not be put into words. Being involved with Artist4Ukraine is a way to do something that can have positive impact on the ones who are going trough the trauma that war brings, especially children.”